Editorial Policy

The South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS) welcomes the submission of manuscripts from members of the South African Society for Animal Science and from scientists in Africa and abroad on all matters germane to the science of animal production for publication in the South African Journal of Animal Science (SAJAS).

The scope of the journal includes reports of research dealing with farm livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry), as well as pertinent aspects of research on aquatic and wildlife species. The main disciplines covered are nutrition, genetics, physiology and production aspects of animal products.

Papers dealing with sociological aspects of well-defined livestock production systems are invited, providing they are scientific by nature and have been carried out in a systematic way.

Papers dealing with routine, repetitive testing or economic evaluation of specific products, feeds or cultivars, case studies or matters dealing with agricultural extension or consumer issues are discouraged unless the results so derived are used to develop or elaborate scientific concepts in the field of animal science.

Papers that form part of a series are discouraged: this includes different aspects of data derived from one particular experiment, or cases in which the analytical techniques, animals or experimental procedures are common to all papers.

Where authors have valid reasons for separation of reports into two manuscripts, these must be submitted simultaneously; delayed or staggered submissions will automatically be rejected. In all cases, reports should represent original contributions to current scientific knowledge of the principles or the application of principles governing the functioning of animals, production aspects of their products and their relationship to the social or physical environment.

The complete Instructions to authors of the South African Journal of Animal Science document can be downloaded here.

SCImagoJournal & Country Rank


Editor-in-ChiefDr Megan North
Sub-EditorDr Everestus Akanno
Sub-EditorDr Theopoline Amushendje
Sub-EditorProf Tugay Ayasan
Sub-EditorDr Maud Bonato
Sub-EditorProf Adriana Descalzo
Sub-EditorDr Trevor Dugmore
Sub-EditorDr Ilias Giannenas
Sub-EditorDr Dominika Guzek
Sub-EditorDr Martin Hughes
Sub-EditorProf Hakan inci
Sub-EditorDr Arnold Kanengoni
Sub-EditorDr Helet Lambrechts
Sub-EditorProf Martina Lojkic
Sub-EditorProf Monnye Mabelebele
Sub-EditorDr Michael MacNeil
Sub-EditorProf Cletos Mapiye
Sub-EditorProf Upenyu Marume
Sub-EditorProf Caven Mguvane Mnisi
Sub-EditorDr Bernice Mostert
Sub-EditorDr Makiwa Simeon Mthana
Sub-EditorDr Carel Muller
Sub-EditorProf Sendros Mulugeta
Sub-EditorProf Marizvikuru Mwale
Sub-EditorDr Xola Nduku
Sub-EditorDr Douglas Nkosi
Sub-EditorDr Thobela Nkukwana
Sub-EditorDr Megan North
Sub-EditorDr Nenad Parunović
Sub-EditorProf Juan Pinos-Rodriguez
Sub-EditorMr Moses Ratsaka
Sub-EditorDr Jean Rust
Sub-EditorDr Eva Samková
Sub-EditorProf Michiel Scholtz
Sub-EditorMr Stephen Slippers
Sub-EditorDr Gretha Snyman
Sub-EditorDr Thuthuzelwa Stempa
Sub-EditorDr Lobke Steyn
Sub-EditorProf Obert Tada
Sub-EditorProf Vincenzo Tufarelli
Sub-EditorDr Carina Visser
Sub-EditorProf Edward Webb
Sub-EditorDr Abdulmojeed Yakubu
Sub-EditorDr Marion Young
Guest EditorProf Victor Mlambo
Guest EditorProf Este van Marle-Koster


The South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS) has recently undertaken the task of changing the way the journal submission process is handled. In collaboration with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) it has developed an Online Journal Management System to facilitate the Journal Submission & Review Process.

The South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS) currently offers the following Journals:

Privacy Policy

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The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA) protects personal information of natural and juristic persons and requires Provincial Treasury to comply with the eight minimum conditions set out in the Act.
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SASAS commits to protecting personal information of registered members, applicants for membership, employees and delegates to SASAS congresses and symposia, ensuring that personal information in SASAS's possession is adequately protected to avoid unauthorised access and use.

This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit the website, subscribe to our newsletter or become a member.
This is a general notice that explains:
Who SASAS collects personal information from;
What personal information SASAS collects;
Why SASAS collects your personal information;
How SASAS uses your personal information; and
Rights you have in relation to your personal information

Information relating to the educational and academic, phone number, email address, financial information, banking details, physical address, employment details and private correspondence.
Information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved.
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High level Information Technology controls are in place to maintain the protection of personal information by having access rights in place and by computer passwords in place.
Hardcopy files are archived in an access controlled secured place.
Access and correction of personal information:
1. Members of SASAS have a right to request for access to personal information in SASAS's possession;
2. Members' personal information should be continuously updated as required by SASAS.

Information of members, applicants and registered delegates to SASAS congress, symposia and other SASAS events is used for record purposes and for relevant communication.
SASAS undertakes to keep its members' informed of developments within the society, other related societies, congresses and other events deemed applicable to animal scientists.
Information pertaining relevant vacancies pertinent to animal scientists and other opportunities or animal scientists is communicated to its members by the secretariat. The email address list remains confidential.
The South African Journal of Animal Science and the associated Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development journal records papers submitted to it, relevant reviewer information and editorial decision and feedback to authors of submitted papers and the publication payment details.
Congress/symposia programmes, abstracts of papers, presentations and associated author and affiliation details are published on the SASAS (www.sasas.co.za) and SASAS congress (www.sasascongess.co.za) websites.

SASAS may disclose personal information where it has a duty or a right to disclose in terms of applicable laws in strict adherence to POPI Act;
SASAS may disclose personal information where it deems necessary to protect the esteem, dignity and the professionalism of the Natural Science Profession.
SASAS may disclose the Name and Surname of a member, his/her category of membership and the status of membership in strict adherence to POPI Act.